تحميل كتاب Vision in White PDF - مؤلف أجنبي

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كتاب Vision in White لـ مؤلف أجنبي

كتاب Vision in White

الكاتب مؤلف أجنبي

كتاب Vision in White لـ مؤلف أجنبي

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القسم :
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لغة الملف : العربية
عدد الصفحات : غير معروف
سنة النشر : غير معروف
حجم الكتاب : 1.4 ميجا بايت
نوع الملف : PDF

قيِّم هذا الكتاب

تحميل كتاب Vision in White pdf 2009م - 1443هـ Vision in White ON JANUARY FIRST, MAC ROLLED OVER TO SMACK HER ALARM clock, and ended up facedown on the floor of her studio. “Shit. Happy New Year.” She lay, groggy and baffled, until she remembered she’d never made it upstairs into bed—and the alarm was from her computer, set to wake her at noon. She pushed herself up to stagger to the kitchen and the coffeemaker. Why did people want to get married on New Year’s Eve? Why would they make a formal ritual out of a holiday designed for marathon drinking and probably inappropriate sex? And they just had to drag family and friends into it, not to mention wedding photographers. Of course, when the reception had finally ended at two A.M., she could’ve gone to bed like a sane person instead of uploading the shots, reviewing them—spending nearly three more hours on the Hines-Myers wedding photos. .

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