تحميل كتاب The Mill on the Floss pdf 2003م - 1443هـ The Mill on the Floss MARY ANN (or Marian) EVANS was born at Arbury farm in the parish of Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire, England, on November 22, 1819. Her father was agent for the Newdigate estates in Warwickshire and Derbyshire, and her mother was his second wife. Mary Ann, the youngest of five children, went to school in the neighbouring towns of Attleborough, Nuneaton, and Coventry, and early showed exceptional intellectual as well as musical ability. Though she left school at sixteen, she continued her studies, at times under visiting masters, until she became one of the most accomplished women of her time. A picture of her youth, substantially true though intentionally altered in details, is to be found in the early years of the heroine of “The Mill on the Floss.” In some respects, therefore, this book is to George Eliot what “David Copperfield” is to Dickens and “Pendennis” to Thackeray .
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