تحميل كتاب Sounder pdf 1969م - 1443هـ Sounder William Howard Armstrong was born on September 14, 1914, during the worst hailstorm and tornado in the memory of his Lexington, Virginia, neighbors. He was the third child born to Howard Gratton Armstrong, a farmer, and his wife, Ida Morris Armstrong. He once said of his birth, “Mother wept with joy and fear. Joy that there was a boy, a helpmate for the father on the farm after two girls. Fear for the signs—born in the midst of the destroyer of much of summer’s work. What omen but bad?” Armstrong went on to defy his ominous entrance to the world, living a good, long, productive life in which he was a husband, father, teacher, farmer, carpenter, and stonemason, as well as a writer, before he died on April 11, 1999. As he grew up, Armstrong developed a love of history. “I walked with history,” he said. .
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