تحميل كتاب Mycotoxin Protocols PDF - مؤلف أجنبي

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كتاب Mycotoxin Protocols لـ مؤلف أجنبي

كتاب Mycotoxin Protocols

الكاتب مؤلف أجنبي

كتاب Mycotoxin Protocols لـ مؤلف أجنبي
القسم : العلوم والطبيعة
الفئة : علم الأحياء
لغة الملف : العربية
عدد الصفحات : غير معروف
سنة النشر : غير معروف
حجم الكتاب : 1.2 ميجا بايت
نوع الملف : PDF

قيِّم هذا الكتاب

تحميل كتاب Mycotoxin Protocols pdf 2001م - 1443هـ نبذه عن الكتاب: Mycotoxin Method Evaluation An Introduction Albert E. Pohland and Mary W. Trucksess Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by molds, i.e., metabolites not essential to the normal functioning of the cells. Molds are ubiquitous in nature and are universally found where environmental conditions are conducive to mold growth. Because molds are present in soil and plant debris, and are spread by wind currents, insects, and rain, they are frequently found in/on foods together with their associated mycotoxins (1). The acute toxicity of mycotoxins has resulted in serious human health problems throughout recorded history (2). It has only been since the early 1960s, when the aflatoxins were found to be carcinogenic, that it was realized that some of these mold metabolites might have significant sub-acute and chronic toxicity for humans. The public health concerns resulting from the finding of mycotoxins, including metabolites in animal tissues resulting from transmission of mycotoxins present in animal feeds, and the observation of both acute and chronic effects in animals has prompted the research effort focusing on analytical methods development. Analysis for mycotoxins is essential to minimize the consumption of contaminated food and feed. Method development and evaluation for mycotoxins is not a simple task. Determining the concentrations of toxins in grains at the ng/g or parts-per billion levels required for the most important mycotoxins is difficult. The approach generally followed consists of obtaining a relatively large primary sample representing a lot, reducing it in bulk and particle size to a manageable quantity, and finally performing the analysis on a small representative portion. Sampling commodities for mycotoxin contamination follows the U.S. .

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