تحميل كتاب Testing pdf 2017م - 1443هـ Testing Testing and Assessment •Why testing doesn't work •Reasons for testing •Making testing more productive •Learning from tests •Alternatives to testing •Conclusions I will always remember the horror of receiving my chemistry result when I was thirteen years old. I knew it wasn't going to be high, but to come bottom of the class was very upsetting. It was all made worse by the fact that the chemistry teacher read the results to the whole class, from first to last place. My humiliation was complete. Students can have very negative reactions towards tests and it's no surprise when they too may have had experiences like this. Why testing doesn't work .
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الملكية الفكرية محفوظة لمؤلف الكتاب المذكور
في حالة وجود أي مشكلة تخص الكتاب برجاء إبلاغنا
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في حالة وجود أي مشكلة تخص الكتاب برجاء إبلاغنا
من خلال او من خلال
كن أول من يكتب مراجعة لهذا الكتاب
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هل أعجبك شيء في هذا الكتاب؟ شاركنا بعض المقتطفات من اختيارك، و سوف تكون متاحة لجميع القراء. للقيام بذلك، فضلا اضغط زر أضف مقتطفاً.
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