تحميل كتاب Studies in Labor Migration - Middle East and North Africa pdf About the Book “Studies in Labor Migration - Middle East and North Africa”
In this book, the historical and current pattern of migration from North Africa was reviewed. Some phenomena such as increasing feminization among labor migrants, some socioeconomic aspects of labor migration (Remittances, and Brain Drain), and the current and future streams of illegal migrations and human trafficking in North Africa region were discussed. Estimates of Arab brain drain to OECD countries, and estimates of socio-economic migration push factors were provided. Lastly, the impact of each socio-economic push factors acted behind the decision of emigration of Arab brains were examined and estimated. In addition, the study explored the profile of foreign labor in the countries of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the profile of unemployment in Arab countries. The study attempted to create a hypothetical mathematical model to assess the impact of replacing part of labor foreigners in GCC by their counterparts of citizens and Arab unemployed persons in reducing the unemployment rates among nationals and Arabs unemployed and modifying the structure and composition of expatriates in GCCs.
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