تحميل كتاب The Old Curiosity Shop PDF - آرثر كونان دويل

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كتاب The Old Curiosity Shop لـ آرثر كونان دويل

كتاب The Old Curiosity Shop

الكاتب آرثر كونان دويل

كتاب The Old Curiosity Shop لـ آرثر كونان دويل
القسم : تعلم اللغات
الفئة : تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية
لغة الملف : العربية
عدد الصفحات : غير معروف
سنة النشر : غير معروف
حجم الكتاب : 1.5 ميجا بايت
نوع الملف : PDF

قيِّم هذا الكتاب

تحميل كتاب The Old Curiosity Shop pdf 1972م - 1443هـ The Old Curiosity Shop NIGHT is generally my time for walking. In the summer I often leave home early in the morning, and roam about fields and lanes all day, or even escape for days or weeks together; but, saving in the country, I seldom go out until after dark, though, Heaven be thanked, I love its light and feel the cheerfulness it sheds upon the earth, as much as any creature living. I have fallen insensibly into this habit, both because it favours my infirmity and because it affords me greater opportunity of speculating on the characters and occupations of those who fill the streets. The glare and hurry of broad noon are not adapted to idle pursuits like mine; a glimpse of passing faces caught by the light of a streetlamp or a shop window is often better for my purpose than their full revelation in the daylight; and, if I must add the truth, night is kinder in this respect than day, which too often destroys an air-built castle at the moment of its completion, without the least ceremony or remorse. .

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آرثر كونان دويل

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